Saturday, January 25, 2020

To Russia With Love - or Following Your Inspiration

Excuse the James Bond reference - It's a laid back Saturday and it seemed appropriate and it is "sort of connected" to my real subject, which goes this way:

I just put this postcard in the mailbox.  That's the first step in it's journey to Katerina, who lives in Russia.  

 I purchased the card from, a New Zealand postcard company whose postcards I find delightful.  I received Katerina's name, address and profile info from Postcrossing, a super cool operation based in Italy.  I live in the USA and Katerina in Russia.  There are four countries involved in this mailing.  A nice international transaction.  

And now, my primary motive for writing this post.  INSPIRATION.

On her profile, Katerina shared her Instagram page.  It inspired my selecting this postcard and it has inspired me to get serious about my Instagram page.  For that, I thank everyone involved in my revelation.

So, the bottom line is inspiration: How it might appear.  An example of what do when it does.  And an illustration of how many individuals, companies and countries might be involved as you follow yours.  

Now, check out Katerina's Instagram Page.

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